

The heartbeat says, It reveals the truth of love.

The heartbeat says,
In rhythmic cadence, it conveys,
The language of the heart, profound,
Revealing truths of love, unbound.

With every thump, a tender beat,
A symphony of emotions, so sweet,
It echoes the depth of passion's fire,
A melody of love, that won't tire.

In its rhythm, secrets reside,
A love that cannot be denied,
It speaks of longing, desire, and more,
The truth of love, forever to adore.

Listen closely to its gentle sound,
As it whispers truths that astound,
It beats, it sings, in perfect sync,
A symphony of love, beyond the brink.

So heed the language of the heart,
Let its truth guide, right from the start,
For in its pulsating, steady thrum,
Lies the essence of love, forever to come.

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